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1. Object


1.1. These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter, "General Conditions") have as their object the regulation of the purchase of products (hereinafter, "Products") "ItStyle Make Up", carried out remotely, via a telematic network, from the Website www (hereinafter, the "Site").


1.2. The owner of the site is the individual company "Giulia Menardi" (hereinafter, "Giulia Menardi") with registered office in Strada Paradiso 47 - 36100 - Vicenza (VI), Tax Code MNRGLI90E49L840R, VAT no. 04169170240, Vicenza REA nr. 389669.


1.3. To proceed with the purchase of the Products through the Site, the Customer must have reached the age of eighteen or, if minor, be duly authorized by the parents or in any case by a person exercising parental authority. Furthermore, the Customer declares to be a "consumer" according to the definition of the Italian Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 206/2005), to be a natural person and that the Products will only be intended for strictly personal use and that the purchase of the same is not carried out in the performance of his professional activity.


2. Acceptance of the general conditions of sale


2.1. All purchases of Products made through the Site (hereinafter, the "Purchase Agreement" or "Purchase Agreements") by users who access it (the "Customer" or "Customers") are governed by these General Conditions as well as by the Italian Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 206/2005), section II Distance contracts (articles 50 - 67) and by the Italian rules on electronic commerce (Legislative Decree 70/2003).


2.2. With the conclusion of the Purchase Contracts the Customer accepts and undertakes to observe these General Conditions.


2.3. The Customer, therefore, is required to carefully read, before carrying out any purchase operation, these General Conditions that ItStyle Temporary Store makes available to him also in order to allow him to reproduce and store in compliance with the provisions of art. 12, paragraph 3 of the Legislative Decree 70/2003.


2.4. Giulia Menardi may modify, at any time and without notice, the content of the General Conditions. The General Conditions published on the Site at the time of the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement by the Customer will apply to each individual Purchase Agreement.


3. Products


3.1. The Site is an online tool for the sale of cosmetics, beauty products for body and hair care, make-up and related accessories in general under the exclusive ItStyle brand (the "Products").


3.2. All the Products offered are illustrated in detail on the Site, within the respective sections, divided by Product categories.


3.3. The visual representation of the Products on the Site, where available, has an indicative value and normally corresponds to the photographic image of the Products themselves and has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale, without any guarantee or commitment on the part of Giulia Menardi, about the exact correspondence of the image depicted on the Site with the actual Product; and this, with particular regard to its real dimensions and / or the chromatic aspects of the Products and / or packaging.


3.4. In the event of a difference between the image on the Site and the relative product sheet, the description shown in the product sheet always prevails.


4. Purchase procedure


4.1. The Customer can purchase the Products in the ItStyle Temporary Store electronic catalog by respecting the technical access procedures illustrated therein.


4.2. The Customer must insert the selected Products in the appropriate "Shopping Cart" and, after having viewed and accepted the fixed contribution for the delivery costs, can proceed with the purchase.


4.3. If the Customer needs to change the type and / or quantity of Products in the Cart, they must use the appropriate commands in the "Cart section" of the Site.


4.4. Once this operation has been completed, the Customer will see a screen containing the summary of the purchase order, including delivery costs, with the request for further confirmation of the purchase procedure.


4.5. After viewing the summary, the Customer must enter the billing data to proceed with the payment by credit / debit card, and send the order by clicking on the appropriate button.


5. Conclusion of the contract


5.1. The publication of the Products displayed on the Site constitutes an invitation to the Customer to formulate a contractual purchase proposal. The order sent by the Customer has the value of a contractual proposal and implies complete knowledge and full acceptance of these General Conditions.


5.2. Each Purchase Agreement stipulated between Giulia Menardi and the Customer must be considered concluded with the Customer viewing the order confirmation page of the Site (so-called "Thank You Page"), containing the "Order Number" and a summary of the order itself. The Customer will also receive an email to the email address entered during the conclusion of the order, containing the "Order number" identifying the order itself, which must be used in any subsequent communication with Giulia Menardi, the information required by law, as well as all data entered by the Customer. The Customer undertakes to verify the correctness of what is reported in the email and to promptly notify Giulia Menardi of any request for modification and / or correction with respect to such data. Possible increase in costs caused by errors in the indication of data by the Customer and not reported promptly by the same, will be placed at his sole expense.


5.3. It is possible that occasional unavailability of the Products offered may occur, in this case, if the Products chosen by the Customer are not, in whole or in part, available, the order will be sent with the Products available after sending communication to the Customer regarding the Products. not available.


5.4. Giulia Menardi has the right to accept or not, at its own discretion, the order sent by the Customer, without the latter being able to make claims or rights of any kind, for any reason, including compensation, in the event of non-acceptance of the order itself. .


5.5. In particular, Giulia Menardi reserves the right not to accept purchase proposals and cancel orders that do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency or if - even following a comparison with the circuit that manages payments with credit / debit cards - anomalies in the transactions and in the means of payment used by the Customer.


5.6. The Customer can check the contents of the Purchase Agreements concluded at any time by contacting the ItStyle Temporary Store Customer Service.


6. Product prices


All Product prices are clearly indicated on the Site and are inclusive of VAT. Delivery costs are adequately highlighted at the time of the order. The cost of each shipment may vary based on the total amount of the order.


7. Receipt and payment methods


7.1. Giulia Menardi issues a receipt for the Products purchased, when the Products are delivered to the courier for shipment, inserting it inside the package shipped. For the issuance of the receipt, the information provided by the Customer is valid. No data changes will be possible after the receipt has been issued.


7.2. The payment of the purchased Products is made by credit / debit card.

The accepted credit / debit cards are: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners, American Express. All data is transferred in encoded form via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate and therefore cannot be intercepted by external parties. Furthermore, data entry takes place directly on the website of the online payment platform (Wix Payments), thus guaranteeing maximum security.


8. Delivery methods and costs


8.1. Giulia Menardi undertakes to deliver the Products without undue delay and in any case no later than thirty days from the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement. The delivery of the Products will be made by courier, and the times will vary according to the destination. The terms indicated at the time of the order are however indicative.


8.2. In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2018/302 it will also be possible for Customers who are citizens of the European Union but not resident in Italy to purchase Products on the Site. The Customer (Italian and / or resident in one of the member states of the European Union) is however aware and accepts that Giulia Menardi delivers the Products exclusively in the national territory (Italy) to the address indicated by the Customer and the delivery will take place without an appointment.

8.3. No responsibility, for any reason, can be charged by the Customer to Giulia Menardi in case of delay in the order fulfillment or in the delivery of the Products covered by the Purchase Contracts.


8.4. The ordered Products will be sent to the postal address specified by the Customer. Upon delivery of the Products by Giulia Menardi to the courier in charge, the Customer will be sent an e-mail confirming the shipment.


8.5. The deliveries of the Products will be made from Monday to Friday, during normal office hours, excluding national holidays in the manner indicated by the courier. Delivery is considered completed when the Product is made available to the Customer at the address specified in the order form.


8.5bis. In case of non-delivery due to the absence of the recipient at the specified address, the courier will send a warning email and will attempt a new delivery according to the methods established by them. In case of impossibility to carry out the new delivery due to the absence of the recipient, the ItStyle Temporary Store Customer Service will try to contact the Customer to schedule a further delivery. In the event that the ItStyle Temporary Store Customer Service fails to contact the Customer for the next 10 days or in the event of further impossibility of delivery due to the absence of the recipient, the Products object of the order will be returned to Giulia Menardi. After 30 (thirty) days from the date on which the Products covered by the order have been returned to Giulia Menardi due to the impossibility of carrying out the delivery, the relevant Purchase Agreement will be considered terminated and the purchase order canceled pursuant to 'art. 1456 cc. Giulia Menardi will reimburse the sum paid by the Customer net of the costs of returning the Products and the costs of custody of the same at the branch of the courier appointed for delivery.


8.6. The termination of the Purchase Agreement and the amount of the refund will be communicated by e-mail to the Customer. The refund amount will be credited to the payment method used by the Customer for the purchase. In the event that, before the expiration of the thirty days, the Customer requests to receive the purchased Products again, Giulia Menardi will proceed with the new delivery after charging, in addition to the costs of the same, the costs of returning the Products to Giulia Menardi and the costs of custody.


8.7. Upon delivery of the Products by the courier appointed by Giulia Menardi, the Customer is required to scrupulously check: a) that

the packaging is intact and not damaged or otherwise altered; b) that the number of pieces delivered corresponds to what is indicated on the label outside the package.


8.8. Any damage to the packaging and to the Products or the mismatch in the number of pieces / packages or indications must be immediately contested by the Customer, who may contact ItStyle Temporary Store through Customer Service specifying the order for which such errors occurred.


8.9. Cases of force majeure (such as, by way of example, supervening provisions of law, regulations and other provisions of the Public Authority, wars, embargoes, fires, floods, explosions, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, strikes, etc.), unavailability of means of transport, as well as unforeseeable or unavoidable events that cause a delay in deliveries or make deliveries difficult or impossible or cause a significant increase in the delivery cost charged to Giulia Menardi, will give it the right to split, postpone or cancel, in whole or in part, the expected delivery or to terminate the Purchase Agreement. In such cases, Giulia Menardi will be responsible for providing timely and adequate communication of her decisions to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer and the latter will have the right to a refund of any price already paid, excluding any further claim, for any reason, against by Giulia Menardi.


9. Right of withdrawal and its effects


9.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement, without indicating the reasons, within 14 days.


9.2. The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by him, acquires physical possession of the Products. In the case of a Purchase Agreement relating to multiple Products ordered in a single order and delivered separately, the 14-day term starts from the day on which the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by him, acquires physical possession of the 'last good.


9.3. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer must inform Giulia Menardi (Giulia Menardi, Strada Paradiso 47 - 36100 - Vicenza (VI) - customer service -, of his decision to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement by sending a explicit declaration to this effect by registered letter with return receipt to Giulia Menardi's registered office or by sending a PEC to .


9.4. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the Customer to send the communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.


9.5. In case of withdrawal by the Customer from the Purchase Agreement, all payments made to Giulia Menardi will be reimbursed, including delivery costs, without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day on which Giulia Menardi will receive the notice of withdrawal. These refunds will be made using the same means of payment used by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed; in any case, the Customer will not have to incur any costs as a consequence of this refund. The refund may be suspended until the moment of receipt of the Products by Giulia Menardi or until the Customer demonstrates that he has returned the Products, whichever is earlier.


9.6. The Customer is required to return the Products or deliver them to Giulia Menardi at Strada Paradiso 47 - 36100 - Vicenza (VI), Italy, without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day on which he communicated his withdrawal from the Contract. Purchase. The deadline is met if the Customer sends back the goods before the expiry of the 14 day period. The costs of returning the Products will be borne by the Customer.


9.7. In compliance with the provisions of Article 59, paragraph 1, letter e), of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n.206 and subsequent amendments), the Customer may not in any case exercise the right of withdrawal in the event of sections of sealed Products which, for hygienic reasons or related to health protection, have been opened after delivery.


10. Non-conformity of products and defective products


10.1. The Products offered on the Site comply with national and community legislation. The images and colors of the Products published on the Site may differ from the real ones due to the local settings of the systems and / or tools used for their display.


10.2. In case of lack of conformity of the Products purchased with respect to the description published on the Site and in the case of a faulty or defective Product, the Customer has the right to immediate reimbursement of the non-conforming goods, after sending by email photographs showing the damage or non-compliance. of the product.


10.3. This will be followed by communication from the ItStyle Temporary Store staff indicating the refund procedure.


10.4. In any case, the provisions on the legal guarantee of conformity of goods, provided for by the Italian Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 206/2005, Part IV, Articles 102-135) are reserved.


11. Treatment of personal data


For information on the use of personal data, customers must refer to the ItStyle Temporary Store privacy policy in the specifically dedicated section of the Site.


12. Communications and complaints


All communications or any complaints by the Customer against ItStyle Temporary Store in relation to the Purchase Agreements must be sent by email, except as provided for in these General Conditions.


13. Intellectual Property Rights


All trademarks (registered and unregistered), as well as any and all intellectual work, distinctive sign or name, image, photograph, written or graphic text and more generally any other intangible asset protected by the laws and international conventions on the subject of intellectual property and industrial property reproduced on the Site remain the exclusive property of Giulia Menardi and / or its assignors, without the Customer having any rights over them from accessing the Site and / or entering into the Purchase Agreements. Any use, even partial, of the same is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Giulia Menardi, in favor of which all related rights are exclusively reserved.


14. Applicable law and competent court


14.1 These General Conditions and any and all Purchase Agreement stipulated with the Customer are governed by Italian law.

14.2 For any dispute relating to the interpretation, execution, validity or effectiveness of these General Conditions and any Purchase Agreement stipulated with the Customers, the Vicenza court will be competent.

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